Wednesday, February 20, 2008

February 20, 2008

Please answer this question with the closest appropriate response.

Sandra is currently:
a) homicidal. Sandra wants to hurt, maim, kill or injure people (insert names of people here).
b) suicidal. Sandra feels that all would be better and things would hurt less if it all just went away. Far, far away, irrevocably completely away.
c) disappointed. Sandra is disappointed in not only herself but others, the universe, karma (which she now believes is a complete waste of time), fate (which again, could quite conceivably be a crock of shit) and even happenstance.
d) all of the a couple other things thrown in for good measure like: anger, betrayal, malnourishment, heartbreak, crestfallen-ness, insanity, moronic behaviouron her part and the parts of others and obesity.
e) none of the above. Sandra simply craves your attention something fierce.

Please select answer, insert explanation or reasons for your opinion and submit as a comment.

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