Every day as I drive in to the office, I take the same route. Faster some days and slower on other but on average 20 minutes door to door. 5 minutes on the city streets and 15 on Canada's largest highway. Highway of Heroes if you will....but, don't get me started on THAT!
My issue is not like most people who work in Toronto, at least I don't think it is.

My issue is this:
I get on the highway and merge out of a lane which is ending, to the left, one lane. I stay in that lane until Morningside, where I merge one lane to the right. I stay in that lane until the exit for Markham Road appears where I again, merge one lane to the right, follow the off ramp and turn left from the right hand lane on to Markham Road and proceed to the office.
Occasionally - like yesterday - I have no memory of giant CHUNKS of this drive. As I pulled off the highway on to the off ramp my head said....wait....did I pass Pickering? Did I? I must have, otherwise how would I have gotten here? I don't know! Surely I must have?!?!
Is that how people get in to accident? Seriously. Do they sit in their cars - staring blankly at the tail lights in front of them (because its so fucking early when I drive in to work that its still dark out!) and they are so hypnotized by the music on their car stereo and the headlights and the sheer boredom of the repetition of the same fucking drive over and over day after day change lanes here change lanes there signal check merge.....Is that why?
Are there even that many accidents on the highway? Because frankly, I just don't see them.
If I am going to be late for work because of an accident I want to SEE the actual accident. I want chunks of debris on the side of the road. I want cars and police and wreckage and BODIES. I want to see dead and injured along the roadway as I pass. That I can reconcile with myself.
If I don't see these things, my assumption at 7:30am is that some ass-hat hit the brakes at 7am 20km ahead and that is why every subsequent driver is doing the same thing some half hour later. And that makes me crazy.
But crazy isn't old.
Old is not remembering your drive in of a morning.
Old is getting to work and not being able to remember if you brushed your teeth. I mean, of course you brushed your teeth. As usual. As always. Right between moisturizing and makeup. But DID you? Did you really remember today? Hm.
There are a million other examples.
Where did that onion go? I was sure I had an onion left for the spaghetti sauce or ....did I use it in something else? Maybe I did? Or did I move them? Where? Where did they move to?
Where did my gift card go for Montana's?
What about the CD I got for Christmas?
My black pants?
I know. I know. I have 20 pairs of black pants. But THOSE particular black pants.
And since I have been a list maker since the day I was born, writing stuff down isn't much help. Why? Because you have to remember to put it on the list in the first place!
But I'll tell you all about THAT later. If I remember, that is!
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