I do like George Strombolopolis as well. Not only is he smexy - smart and sexy, he is also able to talk competently and intelligently about all kinds of stuff. Just off the cuff. I wish I could do that.
For someone who talks a lot - like me - its a horrible burden to have the inability to speak coherently off the cuff.
Oh now don't get crazy - I can speak. Oh yes and I'm hysterically funny and witty and intelligent in the right circumstances. But if I am trying to express myself - you totally want me to write it down.
Sure - I still fuck up some days.
Like today.
Okay. Almost every day.
But I'm much better in writing than I am in person.
I think this more and more often as more of my friendships go electronic.
This started at my last job. In an effort to talk about the boss and her pet monkey behind her back we set up MSN in our offices. That meant that I was literally MSNing the girl in the office 4 feet from me.
I started that super short short hand at JobsNow too. It taught me what ttyl and brb and ROTFLMAO was.
I added friends to MSN - and more and more. Cool. I can talk to 4 people at the same time. Convenient, fun and time effective.
Then I started on myspace. Met some folks. Started a blog. People started to read it. Then I took some of those friendships off of myspace.
I'm talking less. I'm writing more.
Which, don't get me wrong - I totally LOVE.
Oh no here comes Facebook! I'm on - my friends are all on - you all know how I feel about facebook!
I have a blog - and here you are reading it - and not calling me on the phone.
I have a blog on the side so that I can write about stuff I don't want to share with you.
I still MSN insanely.
I still email people who sit 5 feet from me.
Sometimes I call. But its rare.
Earlier today my husband said - why don't you just call him. And I said - I don't call him. He's not a calling friend. No not ever. Is that weird?
For a lot of people yes.
But I'm living a lot more quietly now.
It gives me time to choose my words more carefully.
To give that thoughtful consideration like George does.
I hope I sound as intelligent and humane in person as I do in writing. I know I sound the same. Same inflection and pattern of speech.
But is it weird not to live your life out loud?
Things get better everyday you stay alive
then I'm amazed
every day
that the sun decides to rise
every minute, every hour, is another
chance to change
life is beautiful & terrible & strange.
Take me home - Concrete blond
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