Note: Dan tells me this is a blog. I think its just what's on my mind - I'm sorry I've been keeping it in there so much lately.
My mom would have been 70 today. Seventy. Wow.
Funny but I can't picture her at 70.
She never seemed anything but ancient to me - I guess because she was in her 30s when I was born. She never seemed like a young person. She was silly of course but never "young silly" always "adult silly".
She drank singapore slings.
Her special new years eve hors'd'ovre was split hamburger buns covered in garlic margarine, bacon she cut up with scissors and a cheese slice and placed under the broiler.
We are NOTHING alike.
We are however so much alike its scary.
She always wore jewellery to match every outfit she had
She hated confrontation
She loved hard - like I do and I think as a result she was constantly disappointed.
She loved her birthday - celebrated every year like a kid - an adult kid.
She and I were meant to be together - I know we were
She did stupid things with her health essentially letting worry eat her alive
I don't want to be like her
So thats what day it is
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