Wednesday, April 2, 2008

School crap - the aftermath....

Last night my complicated convoluted confrontation with the people that run my son's school ended with Dan's question posed to the Vice Principal. "Do you think that my being involved in the school - at the school is making Ben's problems worse?"

Her answer "You're never here"

I was obviously upset by what she said and I responded maybe too defensively "but but but - I worked here - I am always here for basketball and concerts - I do the snack program - I am on the school council - the Campbell's soup label program - I run that...."

Again she said - "you're never here"

I just left. And went to a Move-a-thon planning meeting for 3 hours. Where I was assigned accounting duties. Where I made "test smoothies". Where I was told to bring my blender on Friday for mixing smoothies. Where I was assigned to make Friday's snack - nachos and salsa - on my own on Thursday night. Where I was told my volunteer services would be appreciated from 8:30 to 3:35 on Friday. I am the uber compliant always willing volunteer.

Screw her I thought. Look at what a nice person I am. I rock. I rock out loud the volunteer bullshit. Screw you lady and while you're at it - eat a fucking sandwich - you are skin and frigging bones!

Then today I wrote my resignation from the school community council (or the PTA). I was tired of doing so much work for the school and for the kids when it was quite obvious that no one involved in the school gives a right royal rat's ass about me being there but me. No one cares and no one cares and no one cares and on one cares at all but me.

So here it is:
I wanted to let you know that I made a decision last night and that the move-a-thon is going to be the last time I volunteer at the school.
I apologize for leaving the rest of you with yet more of a burden but I don't think that anyone in the school values my time or contributions as a member of the team and perhaps my time would be better used elsewhere - helping people who need it more.
I am resigning my position on the council as of Monday.
I will miss hanging out with you! Last night was a great and I absolutely value your support and friendship.

But I saved it to my drafts folder and didn't hit send. I needed to think about it more because I like being a part of the school. It makes me feel like I'm contributing something to my kids education.

Sure I'd be useful at the Cancer Society or the AIDS committee or Jews for Jesus. But the work at the school makes me HAPPY!

Then I got this email from the President of the council - just a broadcast email to the 4 of us that were at that meeting last night - that do EVERY BLOODY FUCKING THING IN THE SCHOOL - not that we are bitter - just tired.

We all work so hard for the school and there are some rays of sunshine - I wanted to make sure we all had some today because last night was pretty dark.

We were all negative last night and with good reason. Today has been a good day financially for the school but it doesn't change the fact that there are a small number of families carrying the school either financially or through volunteering or both. That is what frustrates me but we go on for a while longer.

The response to that from Nan - the most volunteer-liscious of any of the volunteers ever in the history of mankind was this:

As always I will personally continue to do what I do for the school, no matter the outcome of others. After all, the reason why I started doing this has never changed..."To set a good example for my children and to be involved in their lives."...

And fuck her if she isn't right.
To set a good example for my kids. The example being that even if you don't think you are valued your contribution to the lives of others is always valuable.
There ARE moments of sunshine - when some kid comes up to you in the book store and starts a conversation because he remembers you from school. Girls in the nail salon chatting to me - I remember them from when I did career day with the grade eights!
And I am involved in my kids lives - whether they like it or not! I pray to whoever is up there, that the kids don't regret it and neither do I! But for better or worse - I'm involved up to my cute little ass.

And that, my bloggaliscious friends, is that!
Email from drafts file deleted.
I am going to stick it out....Maybe, just maybe, I'll take pictures of the move-a-thon! It could be worse - you could be volunteering to help!

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