I have been in the best mood this week.
I'm even going to go out on a limb and say AWESOME MOOD! (Those of you who know me well know I never use that word....)
I'm smiling at people and once, maybe twice, I think I actually giggled.
Its odd really.
Out of character for me to be happy with 8 feet of snow on my fucking lawn. Once again, may I remind you, that I hate winter with a white hot burning passion that knows no boundaries....
Also, I have a chest infection. Yes again. No I haven't seen the doctor. Why? Because I'm convinced that is where I GOT the chest infection from! It will go away eventually and if not, well, I just don't care cause I feel great.
AND even odder little known fact - there is no diet pop (including diet coke) in my house. Not one. Sure I have the occasional one while I'm out and today I had 4 cups of tea, but I am shaking my addiction.
While we are on the subject of addiction, I am doing exceptionally well with the cheese monkey. I would never hurt an animal but I think this monkey is packing his bags and getting ready to move on - no need to actually kill him. Its simply mind over matter.
Yep, I can smell the stench of mouldy windows and see the beginnings of a thaw in the universe. Today, I saw sun. Okay well it was in a photo from last summer - but I remember what it feels like.
My article for Canadian Newcomer Magazine comes out at the end of the month. I'll post it here. For those of you who are unemployed newcomers to canada I'm sure you'll find it all kinds of fascinating!
My next assignment for them (yes they like me and I am on the "preferred freelance writers" email list) is on summer cultural festivals called "Seeing the world in your own backyard".
I also wrote a short story that I like. I'm not sure whether to post it here or not. For once its not about me. At all. It was fun to write though and I like it I just haven't shared it with anyone (read: Dan) yet and I'm hesitant to just push go and shove it out into the world unprotected.
Spring is going to change my life people. Are you with me?
There are so many good things in my life today.
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