There is a soundtrack to all of our lives - music that plays in the background - songs that ultimately remind you of the times of your life. Whether you are listening or not, it's there.
Recently I watched a couple of old movies - and by old I mean - Less than Zero from 1987 and Pretty in Pink from even earlier than that. These were movies I watched as a young adult - and watching them again I noticed that I knew every word from every song - and that songs were all through the movies - every scene every moment had some sound behind it. It didn't seem artificial at all.
Everywhere I go - in the car, at home - there seems to be music. Not always music I like but music nonetheless. I think its part of the whole multi-tasking of our generation.
My kids don't have that same soundtrack - there is more of the electronic beeps and boops that they favour now adays. I can remember listening to albums on my Mom's giant console stereo with my head pressed up against the speakers. I had 2 albums when I was my son's age - 9 - both K-tel compilations. I used to listen to "Brandy - you're a fine girl" over and over and over again.
I used my babysitting money to buy singles and albums. An imp
ortant boy gave me Duran Duran's first album and changed my life. Then when I put Rio on my stereo turntable (by that time I had my own) it didn't come off for MONTHS. It was my soundtrack for those years.
Near the end of high school I bought myself a Sony walkman - I converted to cassette and went everywhere plugged in to what today would be GI-NORMOUS headphones. It was through the headphones that I discovered the joys of 80s music. Its stuck with me through my whole life.
I started going to concerts when I moved to Toronto - the concert was an extension of the soundtrack - the soundtrack live if you will!
Even now, as I head heart first into the throes of middle age - I hear music everywhere I go - in behind every conversation, everything I read and all that I write. I don't know anymore if my musical taste is any good or ever remotely socially acceptable - nor do I care.
Its nice to hope that things won't change. But it did for my parents - those K-tel albums were replaced for them by horrid country music that rotted the core of my being! Please don't let me be THAT guy!
I sure hope that when they make the movie of my life - and they will - that the soundtrack kicks ass - is a cool blend of 80s and 90s good stuff - has plenty of Can-con and the music of people I love.
Recently I watched a couple of old movies - and by old I mean - Less than Zero from 1987 and Pretty in Pink from even earlier than that. These were movies I watched as a young adult - and watching them again I noticed that I knew every word from every song - and that songs were all through the movies - every scene every moment had some sound behind it. It didn't seem artificial at all.
Everywhere I go - in the car, at home - there seems to be music. Not always music I like but music nonetheless. I think its part of the whole multi-tasking of our generation.
My kids don't have that same soundtrack - there is more of the electronic beeps and boops that they favour now adays. I can remember listening to albums on my Mom's giant console stereo with my head pressed up against the speakers. I had 2 albums when I was my son's age - 9 - both K-tel compilations. I used to listen to "Brandy - you're a fine girl" over and over and over again.
I used my babysitting money to buy singles and albums. An imp
Near the end of high school I bought myself a Sony walkman - I converted to cassette and went everywhere plugged in to what today would be GI-NORMOUS headphones. It was through the headphones that I discovered the joys of 80s music. Its stuck with me through my whole life.
I started going to concerts when I moved to Toronto - the concert was an extension of the soundtrack - the soundtrack live if you will!
Even now, as I head heart first into the throes of middle age - I hear music everywhere I go - in behind every conversation, everything I read and all that I write. I don't know anymore if my musical taste is any good or ever remotely socially acceptable - nor do I care.
Its nice to hope that things won't change. But it did for my parents - those K-tel albums were replaced for them by horrid country music that rotted the core of my being! Please don't let me be THAT guy!
I sure hope that when they make the movie of my life - and they will - that the soundtrack kicks ass - is a cool blend of 80s and 90s good stuff - has plenty of Can-con and the music of people I love.
1 comment:
my fave duran duran album was "Big Thing". i learned later that it was also known as their "shittiest" too. sound track for my life:
As a child - CKLW - Solid Gold Hits. the records. Bob Seger's Heavy Music. James Brown Papa's Got a Brand New Bag. Tommy Roe - Dizzy. Shangri-La's.
Then - Bangles-Different Light album. whoa.
Then - Madonna: Erotica.
then - Liz Phair - Exile in Guyville...for a long, long time. If you had to do a "Top 10 Soundtrack-to-my-Life songs" - what would be on it? nah...forget that. If you had to pick and compile the "Soundtrack to the Movie of your LIfe" album...and it COULD be a double...please specify the opening song and the closer-credits song.
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