I could write a blog about the cottage and how weird it was to be unplugged totally for a whole week of no internet. And I could write about how the children started making out verbal wills the night when the power went out for 4 hours as they felt that they were going to die. And I suppose I could write about the plight of the mother on vacation that still has to cook and clean and do everyone's bloody dishes. I could write about how nice it was to just have time to read and about the wonderful fantabulous books that I read. I could write about how vacations make strange bedfellows - about choosing good companions - about how everone made me nuts and how I value my private time. But I won't.
The cottage was fun. I won't do it again soon - but neither will I go to Frankenmuth Michigan again soon - that was last year's vacation (sure it had 7 pools and a mini putt inside the hotel but, people, it was LITTLE BAVARIA 24/7!)
I think that the best solution for family vacations would be to take them separately. Each person go it alone for a few days....see how that works out. Then, when you come back, everyone is happy to see each other!
My vacation isn't over it seems. My husband is still off work this week. So, tomorrow, I am going to get my nails done - and not worry how long it takes. I may get my hair cut this week too. Oh yes....but you know, I'm still cooking and cleaning and doing the damned dishes.

1 comment:
nice pic...the sun looks cool.
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