Last week was report card week for my kids. I did one of those dreadful Mom type things and actually cried while reading my kid's report cards. Sad but true.
I protest too much and constantly feel the need to tell people I'm a good Mom. I'm not sure exactly what I'm trying to prove and to whom but, again, I swear to you, I'm a good Mom. Unconventional maybe but good.
I force my kids to do their homework every day. If they do their homework at the babysitters house before I pick them up, they can play video games all night if they want. I am convinced that Pokemon has taught them math and strategic thinking. Seriously. If a Chimchar has 25HP fights a Turtwig with 25HP and both are level 5 a Chimchar will win because fire beats grass. Duh. (BTW I didn't make that up, I asked my 6 year old.)

Then, when my kids get good marks - and I mean over 90, I bribe them again. Over 90 gets $5 and 100% you get $10. Ben saved his money and bought a nintendo DS system for $149 - not bad for a 9 year old - a 9 year old that got a B, 3 As and an A+ in math this year. My point is, I pay for it now as a reward or I use the money later to bail them out of prison.
I've found out what motivates my kids and I've used it to get the best from them.
So, 2 report cards - and all As and Bs with the exception of one mark - a D in Drama and Dance for Ben. Obviously the teacher gave him some other kid's mark by mistake - cause he is the most dramatic kid that I've ever met. He gets it from me. Seriously.
But yes, I want them to continue to be those kids. Its not easy - its hard to say to your kids "all the cool hip kids are getting As in Science - un hun."
I want to be a good Mom - and have well rounded smart funny kids. They are smart - and they are hysterically funny. The other day, we were discussing Sammy's speech problems. Ben said that Sammy pronounced things with a "british" accent. I said - give me an example of what you say that is British - and Sammy - who you will remember is ONLY 6 said in his best Little Britain Daffyd "gay gay homosexual gay!" They are funny kids.
But, are they sociable? Not really. They also get that from me. They don't make friends easily. Sammy is popular and Ben is awkward. I'm working on it. I am. Because I TRY to be a good Mom. I try really really hard.
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