I'm in a right royal mood. I can't tell you exactly why. I wish I knew. Don't we all though. Whenever I'm feeling like this its best to stay clear just leave me alone and let me sort it out on my own.
I've always been like this. So was my mother. I come by it honestly I guess.
I don't want to talk to anyone and share my feelings. I don't want someone to tell me that I should behave rationally and just get over myself. I don't want to chat and hold hands. I don't want anyone to bring me flowers and try to make me feel better. I just want to be angry.
Every once in a while I just get mad.
No reason.
1 comment:
i have been trying to pepper your blog with comments since you started it!! GRRRR!!! Let's hope this works. I am now COMPLETELy relating to this blog about being ANGRY - because blogger is COMPLETELY pissing me off. I'm adding your blog tomy list of links too...i HEART IT!
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